Online Water Analyzer technology is based on unique method UV-Visible Spectrophotometry which associate proprietary high resoluon spectrograph with Fourier Transform & Least Square mathemacal treatment. Our goal for the future is to connue to provide customers with reliable instruments, proven methods, easy procedures, and outstanding technical support. We will strive to be best choice brand offering trust and assurance to our customers.
Our business sense has connected perfectly with our customers with what matters the most - Quality, low capex, economic operation & efficient services.
Our business sense has connected perfectly with our customers with what matters the most - Quality, low capex, economic operation & efficient services.
We take pleasure to introduce ourselves as leading manufacturers of water treatment, effluent and recycling system. Today if hyper filteration pvt. ltd. is a trail blazer and a numero-uno company in water treatment field, this distinction has come through sweat, blood and toil and years of relentless effort on the part of our highly skilled and experienced team.
Since its inception, we have made its mark in this field by catering to requirements of various industries namely steels, power plants, textiles, sugar, food, chemicals, pharma, rice mills, paper mills, bottled water etc.
Engineer from IIT Rourkee, Mr. S.K Gupta founded the company with humble beginning in 1985. Through scientific design and practical approach backed by heavy duty construction and prompt after sales services, company made slow and steady growth in the field of water and waste water treatment. Today, despite limited propagation in corporate circles, company is kept on very high pedestal and has an impressive list of clientele from various industries.
Mr. S.K Gupta Over a period of Engineering, has focused on the structuring and operation of the product as a cohesive unit, the conceptualizing and day-to-day management of simultaneous projects, delivering designs to agreed specifications within time and budget constraints, and the fostering of innovative solutions to customer needs.
Gaurav Gupta is CEO & Managing Director of Hyper Filteration. He is a young entrepreneur . He is Civil engineer by education. After taking few years in job, he has taken the role of “ Head of Projects” in the company. Company has seen lot of progress under his leadership. He has started several initiatives in the company. He has implemented Business Transformation for the company to take it to the next level.
Our team has been growing organically since 1985, to meet the needs of our customers. Currently, we have a team of more than 600 full-time employees who each play an integral role in the company. We have dedicated full-time positions to project erection and commissioning, designing, research and development, operation and maintenance, customer service to ensure we can provide fast, responsive service.